Recently I read "You know how used cars come with a CarFax?I think men should come with a ManFax." I completely agree.I decided to start this blog because my best friends husband
said "Oh my gosh that is so true, you should write about it!" I am not a blogger, my best friend on
the other hand is a writer and blogs frequently. She, I am sure will offer help when I feel stumped!
I am making a safe assumption in saying that we have all met one or even a couple of
men who we wish would have a came equipped with a ManFax! There are things a women needs to know about a potential life partner. I have been researching facts about men. For the most part they sound like things I have experienced first hand. I am having a hard time
figuring out why men are the way they are, Do we as women bring this behavior out in them or is it that it was there all along we just don't realize it at first because we are so smitten? I have had my fair share of relationships. None that ever last because one or both get tired of putting up with the trials and tribulations that the other one brings.
Don't get me wrong. I am not trying to say that men are at fault for everything. There are a lot of women out there that are at fault as well. So no this is not a man bashing blog. I do plan on writing some ManFax of my own on based on some of the men I have dated and even considered spending my life with. I thought of changing the names of these boys but then I realized that I don't care about their pride!